Smoking is one of the most important problems in the modern world. Addiction kills millions of people, destroys hundreds of millions of lives, and ruins health. Fortunately, sooner or later, almost all smokers think it is time to quit this business. However, for most, everything is limited precisely by thought, after which they continue to smoke again and again. The reason for this is the strong belief that quitting smoking is difficult and generally unrealistic. In fact, everything is much simpler than it seems. Today we will talk about how to quit smoking quickly and easily at home.

Cigarettes or effects on the body
Each cigarette contains a large number of elements that are extremely harmful to the human body. So why do people smoke? Trying to deal with stress? Some kind of pleasure? Everyone has their own reasons. And whatever they are, the degree of damage is always the same. The composition of the cigarettes is as follows:
- Nicotine;
- hydrogen sulfide;
- Resins;
- Carbon oxides;
- nitrogen;
- Essential oils;
- Ammonia.
It is these substances that enter the body of a smoker. Furthermore, its concentration is extremely high. And the main thing is that they harm not only the smoker, but also all their loved ones who are forced to inhale the smoke.

Nicotine has the greatest effect on a person. Immediately attack both the mental and physical components. The legendary addiction to nicotine is caused by the banal addiction of the body to the intake of this substance, and this addiction arises very quickly. Nicotine contributes to the formation of mild withdrawal symptoms, which can only be eliminated by smoking another cigarette.
Under the influence of nicotine itself, norepinephrine and dopamine are produced in the brain. Together, they create feelings of pleasure and energy. And every year these sensations become more and more familiar, so a person is forced to increase the dose of nicotine so that smoking brings all the same pleasant sensations. After smoking, pleasant feelings quickly pass and are replaced by depression and bad mood.
Have you stopped smoking or what will change in your body?
By quitting smoking once and for all, the body will begin to experience positive changes from the first few minutes. For many, this fact is enough to think about fighting their bad habit. What changes await you:
- Blood pressure and oxygen level will normalize, the work of the heart and blood vessels will improve - the first day;
- The perception of taste and smell will improve, the unpleasant smell in the mouth will disappear, the complexion will change - the first week;
- Cough, headaches, fatigue will disappear, breathing will normalize - the first month;
- The energy and desire to be active will appear - the first six months;
- The risk of developing heart disease will be cut in half during the first year;
- The probability of developing lung cancer will be reduced 10 times, in the first five years.
First steps
Motivation is the most important thing on the path to a healthy lifestyle. You should stop smoking when you want to and not someone close to you. Otherwise, you are unlikely to be successful. Think about it:
- Do you want this?
- Why do you want this?
- What's next for you?
If you answer all three questions correctly, then the first step towards a successful fight against smoking has already been taken. As soon as you clearly decide to quit smoking, you need to take action. There are some important things to do first:
- Collect all the cigarettes you have. Break them up and throw them away. Also, remove all ashtrays, lighters, and matches. In general, everything that is symbolic of smoking. Try to avoid these items outside the home.
- Clean, wash all things. Get rid of the smell that has been with you for many years. Don't give it a chance. You should only feel fresh air.
- Don't be afraid. Do not think that such drastic changes in the body will have a negative impact on your health. You smoked, what else could be more harmful? This is an opportunity for the body to renew and improve itself without cigarettes.
- Learn to deal with stress. Find something to help you overcome stress. It should not be related to smoking. This will help you avoid reaching for a cigarette in every troublesome situation.
- Find yourself a new hobby. Do something interesting in your spare time. The lesson should be such that you do not have time to think about cigarettes and it is not too interesting.
And four more important tips:
- Do not drink coffee or alcohol. They are usually the trigger for smoking. Especially if you use them in a company where there are people who smoke.
- Reward yourself. Find out how you can reward yourself for another day without a bad habit. The reward should be desired, but not the cigarette itself.
- Eat in the same way as before. In order not to gain weight, you cannot indulge in sweets, as many do during the recovery period after quitting smoking. But it is very important to eat well, because the body needs to be full of energy.
- Drink lots of water. It is necessary to drink at least 2 liters every day to allow the body to quickly remove all harmful substances from the body, as well as to speed up the recovery process, which will improve your general well-being and elevate your mood by discouraging the desire tosmoke.
Everyone, quit smoking. Don't listen to anyone's advice, you don't have to do it gradually. All that remains is to help the body get used to the absence of a harmful substance that has been entering for a long time. After about 2 weeks everything will be back to normal and you won't even want to smoke.

Put down a cigarette
Other actions will be aimed at minimizing any desire to put this nasty thing in your mouth. Yes, now cigarettes are really unpleasant for you. There are many ways to reduce the urge to smoke. Also, it is quite possible to do without the pills and patches, which some people praise so much, but their efficacy and safety are extremely doubtful. Where should you start?
Find a replacement for cigarettes
At that point, when an irresistible urge to smoke appears, open a packet of seeds or something similar and just take a bite. This will interrupt the desire to put another cigarette in your mouth, which will ruin your life.
Pamper your cigarettes
This method is not recommended because you will continue to smoke for a while. However, it helped some. Its essence is to soak all cigarettes with milk. You have to do this with everyone! They will taste disgusting, leading to a negative attitude toward smoking, discouraging any desire to continue. The main thing is to do it with all cigarettes.

Read the book on how to quit smoking
Alain Carr has written a good book about his fight against smoking. The book has been out of print in large quantities, proving its effectiveness. Propose to do a special act and turn the last cigarette smoked into an important event, gathering everyone who is close to you. Try to read it. She may help you.
Buy a rubber band
A fairly common way to combat bad habits is a rubber band around your wrist. It should fit well, but very strong. At the first wish to turn it on, you must pull it and release it. Sharp pain will ease your mind.
Traditional methods
Traditional medicine is one of the most effective ways to fight. Its effectiveness has been proven by many generations. Will it help in the fight against smoking? Yes. You can eradicate this habit with home remedies. Just use one of the proposed options.
Cereal infusion
This infusion will not only help you in your fight, it will also have a positive effect on your overall health. You should drink it 100 ml three times a day, but it should be 2 hours after eating. You can prepare it by boiling rye, millet, oats (100 g each) in 1 liter of water for 10 minutes.
Herb decoction
You can combine a wide variety of herbs to your liking. It is best to use banana, nettle, horsetail, St. John's wort, echinacea. You need to pour 1 liter of boiling water with only 1 tablespoon of these herbs, let them brew for several hours. You can drink it half an hour before meals three times a day.

Eucalyptus decoction
The decoction of eucalyptus leaves is also very useful. Pour the leaves (1 tbsp. L. ) with a glass of boiling water, cover and let it steep for an hour. It remains only to strain the drink, add honey (1 tbsp. L. ) And pharmacy propantriol (1 tbsp. L. ). You should drink about 50 ml up to 7 times a day. The admission course is 1 month.
Oat broth
The decoction of oats is very useful in the fight against smoking. After about 5 days, the urge to smoke will be minimal. You need to pour 100 g of oatmeal with clean water (1 l. ), Boil for about an hour, and then add calendula (1 tbsp. L. ), Boil for another 5 minutes. You should also let the drink steep for an hour and then strain. Drink up to three glasses every day.
Used as a Knotweed rhizome to gargle when there is a strong urge to smoke. You can prepare it yourself by putting the chopped root in boiling water (200 ml) for 2 minutes and then letting it steep for an hour.
Sea salt
Another way to gargle at times like this. He has a real dislike for cigarettes. It is enough to pour 250 ml of hot water over a tablespoon of sea salt.
A very unusual way is to use the familiar banana. You will have to chew its dry crushed leaves for 5 minutes up to 3 times a day.
The latest popular anti-smoking method is soda. It is also used to clarify. Mix a tablespoon of baking soda in a glass of water and rinse your mouth. This can be done several times a day. It also freshens your breath, which is especially important after smoking.
Medical Supplies
It is recommended to do without drugs, because their effectiveness has not been proven. The damage from them can be quite serious. However, for general information, they are worth reading as well.
Pills have become the most popular medicine. They allow you to trick the brain by stimulating the receptors, as with smoking. At the same time, an aversion to cigarettes will soon appear.
Chewing gum
The second most popular is chewing gum. They all contain a certain amount of nicotine, which satisfies the smoker's cravings. With its help, you can gradually reduce the amount of nicotine in the body to zero, while you stop smoking.
Works just like bubble gum. It gives the person a small amount of nicotine, which penetrates the skin and reduces the urge to smoke.
Electronic cigarettes
This is not really a medical form. However, they were originally created specifically to help you quit smoking. This is quite an ineffective option, because it helps very rarely, as reviews show.
Special cases
Sometimes you need to cast in a special way and sometimes there are simply circumstances that require an unusual approach. Let's consider several of these options.
This is a slow way to quit smoking. It involves reducing the number of cigarettes you smoke every day, like going down a ladder. In this case, you should increase the intervals between smoking breaks, and also not have more than one cigarette with you. In recent days, it is worth smoking only half a cigarette.
Additional methods
As a last resort, you can resort to additional methods:
- A dispute over a valuable item.
- Respiratory gymnastics.
- Acupuncture.
You can quit smoking in one day. The main thing is to find a less harmful alternative than smoking. For example, lollipops or seeds. Although then you will have to fight the urge to smoke again.

Men, women, teens
Men are encouraged to exercise and women are encouraged to create a positive atmosphere at home. With teenagers everything is more difficult, because they smoke for the "fresh". Only a correct and effective conversation about the dangers of cigarettes will help. If we are talking about pregnant women, then quitting smoking is simply necessary, but it is recommended to stop smoking quickly, but not abruptly, and without using medical means, as well as consulting a doctor.
And finally. . .
Some statistics. About 800 people die every day from this habit. And by 2030, mortality from cigarettes is projected up to 8 million a year. At the same time, already 20 million people stop smoking every year. You are no worse than these 20 million, everything will work out for you. Good luck!